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Dental Extractions


When to consider a Dental Extraction:

There are a number of contexts in which Dental Extractions should be considered, the most common are: 1) The removing of Wisdom Teeth and/or Baby Teeth as a Proactive Dental Care, 2) The removing of a tooth or teeth that are presenting a unique problem to one's overall tooth structure (crowding a small mouth or endangering the integrity of another healthy tooth), 3) To facilitate more extensive Dental Care or Treatment (preparing the mouth for Orthodontic Care/Restoration or to be better physically suited for treatments such as Dental Partials), and 4) The removing of a tooth that either cannot be physically restored or at the patient's discretion it is not in their best overall interest to continue pursuing restoration costs.


The Advantages and Reasons for a Dental Extraction:

The advantage of a Dental Extraction varies with the aforementioned contexts and reasons so they will be addressed accordingly here.


Wisdom Teeth and/or Baby Teeth

Wisdom Teeth are frequently extracted in the context of Restorative Care when their coming in or presence has or will begin to cause problems.  The actual or potential problems are: the patient's jaw may not be large enough to accommodate the teeth, the teeth may become impacted and unable to break through the gums creating a context of infection and/or damaging other teeth, the teeth may break only partially through the gums and again present a threat of potential infection, and the teeth are subject to come in at unnatural and problematic directions.

Baby Teeth often come out quite easily at home or in the occasional surprise situations.  By design they work their way out in preparation for the Permanent Teeth to come in and begin their lifelong service.  However, there are time when some Baby Teeth are particular persistent, are presenting a measure of threat to a Permanent Tooth's progress, are causing over crowding, or simply need further assistance in their departure process.  In these instances it is completely reasonable to secure the professional assistance and services of the Dentist.


Unique Problems to other Teeth

There are times when a tooth or teeth present a problem to the overall health of a patient.  This is most frequently from some teeth needing more space than the jaw can provide for healthy support.  In these instances teeth can become jumbled and/or begin forcing one another into dangerous growth and movement patterns and compromise the specific tooth and the overall health of the dental structure.  These problems present the advantage of your annual radiographs (x-rays) at one of your cleanings and as needed or recommended a panorex radiograph that has the capacity to see the entire mouth structure in full context.


Facilitating further Treatment or Care

Sometimes Treatment or Care require an Extraction, but this is less common and the Dentist will provide counsel regarding the benefits or the severity of the need as this option will never be elected in Restoration unless there is a threat or a more comprehensive restoration cannot be facilitated otherwise.


No further Restoration

Regretfully there are times that a tooth cannot be Restored and for the health and best care of the patient they will be counseled by the Dentist to have it extracted before it presents a worse problem.  There is also the reality that while always encouraged Dental Restoration can sometimes be expensive and it may not be fiscally best for some patients to pursue more extensive or aggressive services when an extraction would be a reasonable and safe option.  This decision too should only come after careful consideration and counsel from the Dentist as there are many elements that should come into this decision too.



For additional information about Extractions contact us directly - we will be more than happy to assist you in your understanding and determining the best treatment option for you or your loved one.


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